NOTICE - This page is no longer being updated. For the up-to-date page, see sebastiansela.se/portfolio

A selection of projects I've worked on. Click on a project to view more information.
If you want to get in touch, you can contact me via LinkedIn or send me a mail.


Nonogos (2021 - ongoing)

Game (Unity/PC)

My contributions: All assets so far (still a work in progress)

Nonogos is a nonogram puzzle game I've been developing since late 2021. Use the numbers shown for each row and column to fill in the image that lies hidden in obscurity.

The game is being developed in Unity, and I'm working on it by myself. Release date to be announced.

Assemble & Ascendle (2024)

Game (Unity/PC)

My contributions: All code, logo

Assemble & Ascendle is a game I developed in 96 hours for GMTK Game Jam 2024, which had "Built to Scale" as its theme. I interpreted the theme literally and made a game where you "build" a structure that you then "scale". A surprisingly relaxing game to play.

The game was developed in Unity, with all code developed by myself. The game features a basic level editor, and a programmed state machine character controller.

You can download Assemble & Ascendle via this link! For more games I've worked on, check out my itch.io page.

Alien Bakery (2023)

Game (Unity/PC)

My contributions: Project Manager, Lead Programmer, Video Editor, Design Document Co-Author

Alien Bakery is a 3D platformer where you can use the environment to your advantage. You play as an alien in search of fuel resources (sugar & oil), and you find them on Earth after crashlanding there. Repair your ship and return home with the good news! The game was developed by my team Alien's Dozen and I during Xbox Game Studios Game Camp Sweden 2023 (XGC). On the project I acted as Project Manager and Lead Programmer (Gameplay/AI/UI/Sound), and I also recorded and edited the trailer.

- Player movement is inspired by 3D Mario games, so you're able to do a lot acrobatically.
- Pick up items and carry them with you. You can place carried items and use them as platforms. You can also throw them on objects to push them down from inaccessible areas, or use as weapons to either damage enemies or knock rider enemies off their mounts.
- All interactive objects use physics, so interactions between objects provide unique experiences for every player.

An improved version including general improvements and adjustments based on feedback will be uploaded when it is ready. In the meantime, you can download the final XGC demo via this link! For more games I've worked on, check out my itch.io page.

Additional links:
- Github repository - Curious how some things were developed? Have a peek here.
- Design document - Read through the original concept for Alien Bakery.
- Dev Log - Read my experience with XGC and the development of Alien Bakery.
- Trailer - Watch the trailer on YouTube.

Shoot 'Em Down (2023)

Game (Unity/PC)

My contributions: Everything but sound

Shoot 'Em Down is an inverted take on a typical shoot 'em up game, developed solely by me in under 48 hours during GMTK Game Jam 2023, which had the theme of "Roles Reversed". Control the flow of enemies meant to take down the Hero, and should that fail, take control of the mothership as the Boss and take them out yourself.

The game was developed in Unity, and excluding music and some sound effects, all assets in the game were made by myself.

You can download Shoot 'Em Down via this link! For more games I've worked on, check out my itch.io page.

DiSKO (2015)

Game (Unity/PC)

My contributions: Programming, Audio, Textures

DiSKO is a 2D platformer where you complete stages and gather collectibles. This game was developed by me and my fellow students for the LBS Game Awards held during our final year in gymnasium.

The game was developed using Unity, the sounds I provided were made using Audacity and the images I created were made with Photoshop.

You can download DiSKO via this link! For more games I've worked on, check out my itch.io page.


Personal website (2022 - ongoing)


My contributions: All Assets (excluding most images used in blogposts and recommendations)

This very website has been developed by myself. It has been built primarily to serve as the main hub for any content I produce. The site will continue to grow over time as I add more tools and pages.

Current features of the site include:
- Portfolio - A showcase of a selection of my work.
- Blog - Longer text-posts including blogposts, reviews, thoughts on various subjects, and more.
- Recommendations - A list of things I recommend, such as games and music.
- Mattips - A tool that displays a random meal suggestion to help those in need of some inspiration.
- Random Color Palette Generator - A tool to generate random color palettes, with support for up to 1000 colors in a palette.

The site is hosted by Neocities, and has been built using HTML, CSS, JS, and jQuery.


Mattips (2020)

Application (Unity/Android)

My contributions: All Assets (excluding most photos)

Having trouble figuring out what to have for dinner? Mattips is an app meant to help with that. Load up the app, press "Randomize", and be inspired.

The original app was developed using Unity. It is available for Android and can be downloaded via Google Play. It has since been made available directly from this website!

HoloLens applications (2018 - 2019)

Applications (Unity/HoloLens)

My contributions: Programming on all applications, primarily Holo Helper and Holo Pipes

During my final year at university, my colleagues and I worked extensively with the Microsoft HoloLens on multiple projects developed in Unity. This resulted in a number of applications, all of which are showcased in this video.

- AR_PROJ_1 is a simple application allowing you to place points on a map, developed solo to familiarize myself with the HoloLens. It was developed from the ground up, while the other projects utilized the Mixed Reality Toolkit.
- The guide-creator tool Holo Helper lets you attach instructions to virtual points placed relative to real world coordinates, allowing you to create step-by-step guides utilizing the surrounding environment.
- Halmstad Intelligent Home (HINT) is a smart home located inside Halmstad University. It's an apartment filled with sensor-activated functionality. The application Mini HINT connects to these sensors, allowing you to manually trigger them from the app.
- Holo Pipes is a tool that renders pipelines from provided data, drawing the pipes over the user's view, allowing the user to easily locate the pipeline from its visualization.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.