June 1st update: Improved backend

  • 2022-06-01


    Sebastian Sela

  • information




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Hello, back with another post because I can. Today I haven't made any content updates, but I have made some changes to the backend structure of the site, which will in turn improve my ability to maintain the website. So, what have I done?

Well, I've added some jQuery to the site, which I use to load content from other HTML pages. Instead of using the structure I have been using thus far - that being everything you see on one page is part of the same HTML-file - I have now split it into multiple smaller files. Instead of having a Footer on each page that I have (6 pages would make 6 footers that need to be edited), I now only have to edit one file (even with 1000+ pages, only 1 file needs to be updated).

I'm not sure, but I would assume Neocities isn't the best for this kind of structure as there is no proper backend that I know of, meaning I still have to copy a lot of code (e.g. copy the template for a blog post). Nevertheless, it works for me and this website for the time being, so I'm not complaining.

Again with a rather small update, again sort of just to test out my new changes, but I gotta make use of this feature I've built. Stay hydrated!

P.S: You can click on the title of any blog post to get to the post's source, taking you to a text-only version of it which allows for some easy sharing of posts. I may update the design of the post-pages eventually, but for now the Blog page is the intended place to view the posts.

Update 2022-06-05: Some bugs were introduced with this update and I'm working on fixing them. I've made some changes which should fix the issues, but should they persist just know that I'm working on fixing them. With this fix I also adjusted the backend some more, making it even easier for me to add new blog posts.

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